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My Favourite Things This Month (August 2023)

What I’ve Been Reading (Fiction) ~ Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng

- Dystopian, Contemporary, Sci Fi, Adult

Celeste NG’s writing style and novels are like no other. Usually centred around race, weaving in perspectives influenced by her experiences with her American Asian identity. Her latest novel ‘Our Missing Hearts’ is about a mother’s unbreakable love in a world consumed by fear. It’s harrowing, moving and at the same time feels very close to home considering the cultural climate and the politic landscape of the last few years. I also wonder if she was inspired by the dystopian novel turned TV show, The Handmaid’s Tale.

Click here for more book recommendations on Goodreads!


What I’ve Been Reading (Non Fiction) ~ How To Change Your Mind, The New Science Of Psychedelics by Michael Pollen

- Science, Psychology, Philosophy, Health, Self Help

Part history, part memoir; journalist Michael Pollen’s fascinating book chronicles the history of psychedelics throughout the decades. Pollen then goes on to share his own experiences taking LSD, psilocybin mushrooms and DMT in therapeutic settings for the first time. One of the main takeaways I took from this extraordinary book is how psychedelics can not only help us with our mental and physical health but they also have a spiritual impact, working to expand our human consciousness as a whole.

If you’re interested in psychedelics, click here to purchase!*


What I’ve Been Listening To ~ The Chronic Comeback, Phil Hadfield

‘The Chronic Comeback’ is one of my favourite podcasts! In this episode Phil interview’s Bianca Michele who shares details about her success recovering from conditions such as Lyme disease, Mould Illness, MCAS, CFS, POTS, CIRS. Bianca talks about the difficulties testing for Lyme disease, hyperthermia treatment and having to move due to mould illness. She also explains the impact discovering The Secret made on her recovery, which led her to discovering energy healing, inner child work, EMDR therapy and so much more!

Click here to listen!


What I’ve Been Drinking - Turmeric Latte

I just loveeee spicy, warm, soothing drinks all year round so this has been my go to drink lately! Turmeric contains the compound curcumin which has sooo many amazing health benefits. It has properties that are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antidepressant and even inhibits the release of histamine and mast cell degranulation so is great for anyone with MCAS or histamine intolerance! I do take a curcumin supplement but add it to recipes for an extra health kick!

Click here for my turmeric latte recipe + a discount code to my favourite food store!


What I’ve Been Taking ~ Psilocybin Psychedelic Mushrooms

Psilocybin is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound found in certain mushrooms which can be extremely beneficial for mental health. I applied to take part in clinical trials using psilocybin but I didn’t qualify for them so I've been micro dosing psilocybin for the last 6 months. It’s THE BEST THING I’ve done for my mental health in a long time!

If you're taking certain medications, have specific mental health issues or are under a certain age you should not take psilocybin. Also some mushrooms are poisonous so it’s essential to make sure you are buying psilocybin from a trusted source. Do your research - use podcasts, books, online forums, work with psychedelic coaches and therapists.

Click here for a pdf all about microdosing psilocybin to get you started!


What I’ve Been Trying Out ~ Mouth Taping

After purchasing an Oura ring which monitors, tracks and analyses your sleep, I noticed that I was experiencing very poor deep sleep with an average of 10 minutes per night when you’re actually supposed to get around 1 - 1.5 hours per night. I tried soooo many things to help improve it but didn’t notice any changes until I started mouth taping regularly!

Mouth taping involves placing a small piece of tape over your lips whilst you sleep to prevent mouth breathing which in turn encourages nasal breathing. (It’s not as scary as it sounds)! Since I’ve been mouth taping regularly I’m now averaging around 40 minutes per night. There's still room for improvement but I'm happy with this progress!

Click here to buy the mouth tape I use to improve your sleep!*

I hope this was helpful! Sending love, bye for now, Emma x ❤️

*Affiliate Links: Some links are affiliated which means I earn a small commission per purchase with no extra cost to you, only savings. This helps with the running costs of keeping my email newsletter and website going, so it's much appreciated.

Medical Disclaimer: Nothing contained here, on my website or on any of my social media channels is a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult a licensed medical doctor or your practitioner prior to taking any supplements or using any other healing modality.

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