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Why Owning An Air Purifier Is So Important

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

Why Is Indoor Air Quality So Important?

Indoor air quality is often overlooked partially because it's invisible (it's not exactly something we can see) but it's critical for improving overall health. Did you know that the air inside our homes can be up to 5 times more polluted than outdoors and is one of the top environmental threats to human health?! Yikeees!

Air borne particles such as pet dander from cats, dogs, horses etc, dust, mould spores, bacterias, viruses, pollens, smoke, VOCS like formaldehyde, building materials such as paints, varnishes and adhesives, synthetic fragrances and other toxic compounds can negatively impact our health in a multitude of ways.

They can trigger mast cell activation syndrome, chronic inflammatory response syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivities, allergies like hay fever or asthma whilst contributing to conditions like mould illness, chronic fatigue syndrome, thyroid disorders, fertility issues and can even cause respiratory diseases, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, cognitive deficits, and cancer.

Air purifiers work by trapping these harmful contaminants in the filters then pushing the clean air back into the space to ensure you're only inhaling safe high quality air. The 'Amazing Air' purifier uses a hepa filter which removes 100% of airborne particles at 0.003 microns in size, which means it captures particles 100 times smaller than most hepa air purifiers! It also comes with free shipping, a one year warranty and is third-party lab tested which are some of the most important factors I consider when purchasing an item to benefit my health.


Many years ago I bought an air purifier from IQ Air which was the best brand on the market at the time. However, it's soooo big, literally the size of me! Which made it super difficult to transport from room to room and place to place, it took up too much space and was quite an eyesore to look at.

For these reasons, more recently I was on the lookout for an equally effective yet smaller air purifier when I came across Amazing Air, which so far I'm very impressed with! I currently have both air purifiers on in different rooms to ensure good air quality throughout the house and I take the Amazing Air with me when I'm travelling or on the road.

I hope your Amazing Air purifier helps you as much as mine helps me!



*Amazing Air was formerly known as Air Doctor; the product is exactly the same it just has a different name.

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Sending love, bye for now, Emma x ❤️

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